
IOTA Heroes Bridge Campaign

Deepsea Adventures - SM - iota heroes


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The Bridge is here!🌉

It's a new year, and a lot is brewing behind the scenes in the IOTA ecosystem. The bridge, powered by LayerZero, is now available, greatly simplifying the process of joining the ShimmerEVM. We are running a campaign alongside a suite of the most prominent projects in the space to raise awareness and attract people to ShimmerEVM and IOTA Heroes.

However, it's not all good news. The Bridge Trolls have caught wind of the new bridge and have started invading Fortuvia. It's up to you to help fend off these trolls. There might be a reward for those who make the biggest effort in protecting our world!

The Deep Sea Adventures campaign!


Over the past several weeks, we have been planning a massive campaign in collaboration with 10 other ecosystem projects, and we are thrilled to share the results! It's a mega campaign featuring tasks across all the involved projects. The more points you earn, the better your chances of receiving rewards! The rewards include a wide range of NFTs and tokens from the various projects, so make sure to complete as many tasks as you can to increase your chances.

For example, the tasks related to IOTA Heroes will introduce you to some of the activities currently available in the game!

Mark your calendars:

đź“… Start Date: 31th of January 20:00 CET

⏰ End Date: 29 February 2024 20:00 CET

The Troll Invasion!

Peace and quiet are rare in Fortuvia... The trolls, having learned about the new bridge, are irresistibly drawn to it. We must rally our heroes to prevent the trolls from seizing control of our new bridge. Deploy your heroes, and you're likely to encounter one of the Bridge Trolls.


A pesky bridge troll.

Defeating a troll in battle is one of the tasks in the Tide campaign mentioned earlier. But there's more! The top 20 troll slayers will be rewarded with a free mint for a brand-new Founder Hero, and the person who defeats the most trolls will receive the very special Princess Promo Hero.


The protector of the bridge will earn the favor of the Princess Promo Hero!

Tracking the number of trolls you've slain is straightforward, as we require you to confirm your victory by keeping the trolls' heads! You have until the 1st of March to battle the trolls.

Adventure Changes


When we launched IOTA Heroes, the adventure feature was brand new, and many players eagerly counted down the seconds for adventures to complete, wishing for faster turnaround times. Now that the initial launch excitement has settled, we're adjusting some parameters to enhance the experience for everyone.

Adventure Time

Initially, adventures lasted about 3 hours, requiring players to be available up to 8 times a day to fully utilize their heroes. While this was engaging at launch, it has become overly demanding. To address this, we're extending the average adventure time to 12 hours. This adjustment aims to make adventuring feel less burdensome and will also significantly reduce the supply of available rentals on the hero renting marketplace by 75%, since heroes can now only embark on adventures every 12 hours.

For those looking to complete adventures more quickly, the General Store may have something to help you navigate Fortuvia more efficiently.


The Traveler's Compass

Adventure Loot

With the reduction in the frequency of adventures, we will rebalance the loot tables while retaining the game's familiar dynamics. We've listened to the feedback regarding the need for more weaponry at certain stages and have adjusted accordingly. Players can expect to find more of what they need.


Adventure Fee

Since the game's launch, the fee of 0.1 SMR to send heroes on adventures has led to a scenario where the IOTA Heroes project incurs more in gas fees than we collect. This was manageable initially, thanks to robust hero sales supporting these costs. However, to ensure the project's sustainability, we're increasing the adventure fee to 0.8 SMR (~3 cents). This adjustment will help us continue facilitating adventures, independent of the fluctuations in hero sales royalties. With the new adventure timing, players will also find themselves engaging in fewer adventures, which is something to consider.

Wrapping up

As the new year unfolds, we're focused on the continuous improvement of IOTA Heroes. There are various projects in the pipeline, and we're keen to finalize them in due course. A key upcoming step is the closure of the Hero Founder Sale, an important event for our community. We'll provide more specifics about this as we get closer to the date.

This sale is not just an opportunity to participate in a unique aspect of IOTA Heroes but also to show support for the game's journey ahead. We appreciate your involvement and look forward to what the future holds.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our community. Stay tuned for updates as we progress through the year.


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